Welcome to 1st/2nd Harbord Scout Group
I'm sure your child will enjoy Harbord Scouts as they will learn lots of new skills but most importantly they will have lots of fun. A key part of scouting is helping out in the community. Over the years Harbord Scouts have found some key opportunities that give scouts a chance to volunteer with some generate funds for the group. The annual community events that Harbord Scouts participate in.
Clean up Australia Day - an opportunity to help clean up the park, lagoon and creek.
Anzac Day Ceremony - honouring past and present service people
Beach2Beach (Pub2Pub) - running one of the major drink stations (28th August)
Real Christmas Trees Fundraiser second weekend in December
All of these events need parent support so your help in at least two from Australia Day, City2Surf, Pub2Pub and Christmas tree sales events each year is expected. We acknowledge that many parents already volunteer in a number of sports-related roles so your advance thoughts on which events best fit with your availability would be much appreciated.
Adult Leaders Needed
Harbord is building its core of volunteer leaders and we need you to step up and become a leader too. Come along to a couple of nights or events to see how you could become a leader. All Joey's parents and parents that help out of camps need to register as adult helpers
Committee Members Needed
The parent committee is in charge of fundraising, looking after the hall and organising family social events. Your voice is important, so have your say at one of the regular committee meetings. Currently looking for parents to take the following roles:
Registering for a Trail
Joining Scouts is an exciting time – there is a lot to experience and learn about.
Interested in finding out more about Scouts? Young people can enjoy a free trial – the process for getting involved is easy:
submit an enquiry https://www.1st-2nd-harbord.group.scoutsnsw.com.au/rego/start/
We will be in touch to organise your initial visit to the Group
Prior to your first visit, you will need to complete a Membership Application form. This gives Leaders important contact information for when the young person attends the Scout meeting
There is a four-six week free trial period for you to explore Scouts. After that, you become a full member, unless you have decided not to continue.
Every family needs to have at least one parent registered as a parent helper with a Working With Children Check (Free) and for Joey Scouts, Both / All parents must register their Working With Children Check with Scouts NSW
Parent Helper Form: https://www.1st-2nd-harbord.group.scoutsnsw.com.au/rego/start/
Your child will need a shirt to put all the badges that they are going to earn on along with a Scout belt and trousers. Order uniforms for the Scout shop online:
Don't forget to upload a photo to Operoo!
This is a parent-controlled Electronic Health Form for organisations with a duty of care. Parents can easily update medical information and provide consent for activity attendance with the click of a button while providing Scout Groups with the ability to create electronic permission forms and instant access to this emergency information if it is required.
Once your child has been invested you will receive an email inviting you to set up your Operoo profile. If you already have an Operoo account for your child from school or another organisation you can use it for scouts as well so long as it uses your 'primary' email address that you put on the youth member form.
Camp Blankets
Your child will come home with badges that do not go on their uniform but instead go on a Camp Blanket.
Blankets are for putting over your back when sitting around a campfire, as your front is getting toasted, but your back is cold.
Blankets can be any material, colour, size or shape, even made into a poncho or cape. They are usually made from a square of fleecy material, about as long as the width of the material, about 1.7m square.
They must be fire retardant. Old picnic rugs are good, as the stripes make it easier to line up the badges. (if you want them inlines)
They become a wonderful keepsake of their years in Scouts and are often handed down the family. When they go up to the next section and get a new uniform, the old uniform badges can be sewn onto the blanket. Also instead of buying expensive souvenirs on holidays and outings, buy a sew-on badge instead.
Every 6 months you need to re-register on the following website.
You will need to know your scout number.
Once you have re-registered you will need to pay for the half year.
Membership Fees
We try to keep our fees as low as possible by holding fundraising events. Fees are payable to Scouts NSW
Scouts NSW Fee
The annual 2024 Scouts NSW membership fee is $280. If you join mid-year, your fees are adjusted to a pro-rata rate.
The State fee is payable in two periods, called 'Treks'. Trek 1 ($140) covers the period January-June and Trek 2 ($140) covers the period July-December.
There is a one-off registration fee of $60.
1st 2nd Harbord Group Fees
$100 per child​ per year ($50 each half year) this is charged with NSW scout fees
Active parent support is so critical for any community-based club to thrive so your support in any form will be much appreciated.
Many thanks and welcome on board.

Scout Leaders (Scout Name)
Joeys - Justin (Tin Tin)
Leader 3 Open - Please apply
Cubs - Sue (Akela)
Scouts - Ralph - (Hunter)
Alison (Flora)
Leader 4 Open - Please apply
Venturers - 1st 2nd Harbord would like to start a Verturers unit in 2024 once we have enough leaders and parent helpers
Parent Committee (meets for 90 minutes each month)
All parents are welcome to come to the Committee meetings and help guide the groups direction.
Chair: Please apply
Treasurer: Emma
Secretary: Leigh
Events: Open
Hall Hire: Alex
Marketing: Annora
Hall Maintenance: Please apply
Website & Facebook: Annora
Membership: Please Apply
Christmas Trees: Dante
The Introduction to Scouting needs to be completed when someone joins the Movement for the first time or when they join Scouting again after having a break.
This covers some of the key understandings and knowledge sharing opportunities about Scouting more broadly.
Once the Introduction to Scouting is completed, you are eligible to wear the World Scout badge and Australian Scout (flag) badge. These are awarded in the investiture ceremony.
The World Organization
Who founded Scouting?
Lord Robert Baden-Powell founded Scouting in 1907, following an experimental camp held at Brownsea Island in August 1907. Brownsea Island is located in a harbour off the south-western coast of England. The camp and the content of his book Scouting for Boys were based on the skills he had observed and developed during his time in the military.
Baden-Powell had risen through the ranks of the British Army and received fame for his role in the Siege of Mafeking during the Boer War. It was during this time that he had used young boys to assist the troops in their success.
What does Scouting look like at a global level?
The World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is comprised of over 160 National Scouting Organisations (NSO) or Associations, representing over 40 million members globally. Each NSO runs its own program and has variants on the core statements, but all members are united by the principles of Scouting, (Duty to self, Duty to Others and Duty to spiritual beliefs) and the use of a Promise and Law inspired by the original materials developed by Baden-Powell.
Scouting in Australia
When did Scouting commence in Australia?
Scouting commenced in Australia in 1907 and was formally established in 1908 when the first Scouting handbook was published.
What is the structure of Scouting in Australia?
Scouts Australia is made up of eight Branches – one for each state and territory. Globally, we are represented by Scouts Australia, although we have nine Chief Commissioners with each Branch operating semi-independently of its neighbours. Within each Branch, there may be a number of Districts and/or Regions.
Our Scout Group
Are there key pieces of information about your Scout Group which should be shared? Think about:
When was your Group established?
What is the significance of the group scarf?
Is there any other important symbolism for Scouting in the area?
The Scout Method
What is the Scout Method?
The Scout Method is ‘how’ we do Scouting. There are eight elements which you should be able to identify in all that we do. They are community involvement, learning by doing, nature and the outdoors, patrol system, personal progression, promise and law, symbolic framework and youth leading, adults supporting. You won’t always be able to identify each of these elements in your activities and experiences, but you should be including most of them in almost everything you do.
What are the SPICES?
SPICES stand for Social, Physical, Intellectual, Character, Emotional and Spiritual development. These are the 6 areas in which you should develop through your time in the program. Whilst Scouting is equally about fun, this is the part of Scouting that helps us develop into responsible and active citizens.
Promise and Law
Symbols, Traditions and Ceremonies
Scouting has a number of traditions, symbols and ceremonies that you may experience during your time in the movement. Whilst none are any more or less important than any other, some of the symbols you will see most regularly are:
Scarf – this symbolises that you are a member of the Scouting movement. Every member of our movement, no matter their location, wears a scarf.
Scout sign / three-finger salute – this is representative of the principles of Scouting: duty to my spiritual beliefs, duty to others and duty to self. We use the scout sign when making the Promise and at investitures, and we use the salute with the flag. The salute is a sign of respect, so may also be used in other situations.
Left handshake – this tradition has carried through from the African tribes, where it was a mark of trust and respect to put your shield down and shake hands, rather than putting your weapon down. This is a unique Scouting tradition, however, as you travel internationally you will find that not all countries adhere to this tradition.
Flag – many scouting events begin and end with a recognition of the flag. This may include saluting the flag, ‘breaking’ the flag (where a rolled flag is unrolled whilst in the air) or lowering the flag (where the flag is taken down from the flag pole). These are all completed as signs of respect.
What is this process?
Plan>Do>Review> is a tool used in the Scouting Program to engage youth members in developing and running an active program in which everyone can individually develop and enjoy.
How does this impact what we do?
By being involved in a process like Plan>Do>Review>, we learn the values of working together to achieve a common goal, listening to others’ opinions, sharing knowledge and skills, and celebrating achievements together. Involving us in planning our program helps youth and adults to learn to work together, and to develop skills like creative problem solving, leadership, collaboration, and communication skills.
Personal Progression
What does this mean?
Personal progression describes the individual development that each of us undergo as Scouts. We won’t all develop at the same pace or at the same time, and neither will we always learn the same things from the one experience, but that is exactly why it is called personal progression!
How do I monitor my progression?
With the help of your Patrol and adults, you will be able to actively reflect on your Scouting experiences and keep track of your progression. Some of this may occur in our record books, other aspects might be through the use of other tools and resources available to us. Most of the time, we may not recognise for ourselves how much we have developed or progressed until we stop to reflect. This is all part of the ‘review’ process in Plan>Do>Review>.
What role does the Unit have in my progression?
The Unit will help you reflect on your development and progression. In the case of Peak Awards (the highest award for each section), the Unit has the responsibility to confirm you have completed all that you have said you have done. Additionally, they will help you work through the different aspects of the program and Peak Award, as many of these things others will also be working on.
What is this about?
Your investiture is the time when you become a full Scouting member. This is where you will affirm your Promise, and receive your scarf and badges.
When does this occur?
Your investiture will occur on a nominated night by our section. You might get to invite family and special friends to attend, and it will usually occur once you have demonstrated you are committed to Scouting through your attendance at a few nights.